The Magic School Bus + Rides Again Wiki
The Magic School Bus + Rides Again Wiki

"Tim and the Talking Trees" is the tenth episode of the second season of The Magic School Bus Rides Again.


Tim shows a book about a mother tree talking her children, when Ralphie interrupts him by saying "Fake alert!". He didn't believe that trees can talk. Carlos and Keesha says that if they want to win the Walkerville Science Fair Crazy But True trophy like every year, they need to come up with some crazy BUT true. Tim says that everything in the forest communicates, and Wanda agrees with. But some of the kids disagree which formed a big argument. Ms. Frizzle came in and could tell what happened.


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The Magic School Bus Rides Again - Wanda, Keesha and Everyone transforms into Wasps and Trees


The Magic School Bus Rides Again - Fiona Frizzle transforms into Tree
