The Magic School Bus + Rides Again Wiki
The Magic School Bus + Rides Again Wiki

The Nose is an optional location in Explores the Human Body.

Bus activities[]

Front of the Bus[]

  • The bus enters the nose by flying upward from the mouth or lungs. Perched directly behind the septum, the player can view Arnold's shoes by looking down from the nostrils. Nose hairs protrude out from the walls. Various objects float around, such as a pie, rose, fish skeleton, and onion. If clicked, the item transforms while a voice is heard reacting to its smell. Clicking on the septum will make Arnold sneeze.
  • In the mini-game, the player can send various scents into Arnold's nose, such as a peppermint and a skunk, and see his reaction to each.

Back of the Bus[]

  • The player can read various reports by other students, and also play on Tim's SPLAT! Backpack.
  • In Ralphie's handheld game, a mini-game called Nose Puzzle is accessible, where players must rearrange panels to create an image of people skiing down and climbing up a giant nose.
  • This is one of three locations that can be used to exit Arnold's body once every area has been explored, the other two being the mouth and skin. When the player uses the nose, Arnold will sneeze the bus out of his body.

Clickable characters[]

  • Professor Frizzle:
    • "Who knows what goes with a nose?"
    • Asks why we say "achoo!"
    • Says "Wahoo!" and raises her arms.
  • Phoebe:
    • Gives a report on how many smells the nose can recognize.
    • Jokes about why the face likes the nose, Dorothy Ann says, "Because it thought the nose was stuffy."
    • Jokes why the nose doesn't like the face, Dorothy Ann says, "It thought it was cheeky."
  • Carlos:
    • Says that he feels a sneeze coming.
    • Jokes about the nose's favorite sport, Ms. Frizzle says, "It's Sniffleball."
    • Jokes that they need to catch Arnold's nose because it's running.
  • Wanda:
    • "Up, up we go! Where do we stop? In Arnold's nose!"
    • Asks where smells are manufactured.
    • Says the nose can recognize thousands of different smells, even Ralphie's sneakers.
  • Dorothy Ann:
    • Jokes about why your nose has a bridge, Ms. Frizzle says, "So your eyes can cross."
    • Says sneezes keeps irritants out of your nose by blowing them out.
    • Jokes about telling if you're upside-down, Ms. Frizzle says, "Of your feet smell and your nose runs!"
  • Keesha:
    • Says the nose hairs keep out debris.
    • Jokes about where the nose went to school, Ms. Frizzle says, "At the Nasal Academy."
    • Says Arnold could use his nose to run for class president.
  • Tim:
    • Presents a drawing of a man plugging his nose in front of a dead fish.
    • Presents a drawing of a woman sniffing flowers.
    • Gives a presentation on why and how the body sneezes.
    • Presents a drawing of a solar system full of planets with giant noses.
    • Wonders why the nose is on the outside of the face. Wanda says so we can scratch and sniff.
  • Ralphie:
    • Compares being in Arnold's nose to being in a president's nose in Mt. Rushmore.
    • Jokes about how to convince a nose it's not stuffed up, Ms. Frizzle says "With "hyp-nose-sis."