The Magic School Bus + Rides Again Wiki
The Magic School Bus + Rides Again Wiki
The Magic School Bus + Rides Again Wiki
Confused Wanda
"How can Ms. Frizzle be with you when she's with us in Peru right now?"
This article is about the location in the games. You may be looking for the location in "For Lunch".

The Large Intestine is the fifth and deepest location in Explores the Human Body.

Bus activities[]

Front of the Bus[]

  • The bus enters the large intestine through a valve in the small intestine. Once inside, the player can interact with floating waste matter that shrinks when clicked on. There is also floating bacteria that turns into sludge when clicked on. The bacteria also briefly transforms into a one-eyed alien.
  • In the mini-game, the player can observe how bacteria decompresses the food that enters the large intestine by sending various food items through it.

Back of the Bus[]

  • The player can read various reports by other students, and also play on Tim's SPLAT! Backpack.
  • In Ralphie's handheld game, a mini-game called Tunnel Vision is playable, where the player must safely guide the class through the large intestine via a series of tubes on a grid.
  • Wanda, Ralphie, and Dorothy Ann can leave the bus and explore the large intestine. When clicked on, the three will pace around. Wanda can ask where the nutrients from the large intestine goes, Dorothy Ann replies with the liver. Dorothy Ann tells Wanda to be careful, saying to not "Wanda away." Wanda will also ask if Ms. Frizzle also learned about the human body by shrinking down, to which Ralphie responds by saying Ms. Frizzle was born knowing everything.

Clickable characters[]

  • Professor Frizzle:
    • Asks what the large intestine consists of.
    • Asks what important things the large intestine does.
    • Says "Wahoo!" and raises her arms.
  • Phoebe:
    • Notices the bacteria and asks if the opposite is "front-eria."
    • Notes that bacteria goes to the liver, joking about quick delivery.
    • Wishes they didn't have to explore the whole digestive system.
  • Carlos:
    • Asks if it's true that food stays in the large intestine for six hours.
    • Notices things that the stomach can't digest, like corn kernels and peas.
    • Asks how much bacteria is in the large intestine.
  • Wanda:
    • Asks how many sides the large intestine has, which Ralphie responds with two, the inside and outside.
    • Makes a joke about the large intestine's favorite heavy equipment being a digestive tractor.
    • Notes that human's weight is made of 70% water.
  • Dorothy Ann:
    • Says this field trip is "far out." Carlos jokes that it's actually "far in."
    • Gives a report on how the large intestine acts as a sponge for the body.
    • Says the large intestine mostly absorbs fluid, according to her research.
  • Keesha:
    • Makes a joke about what the small intestine says to the large intestine.
    • Wishes she had a nose plug.
    • Talks about the main function of the large intestine.
  • Tim:
    • Presents a drawing of a girl with large intestine shaped hair.
    • Presents a drawing of a football arena with large intestine shaped goals.
    • Notes that it takes 24 hours to digest a meal completely.
    • Presents a drawing of a train passing through a large intestine shaped gate.
    • Gives a report about how the large intestine gets rid of waste.
  • Ralphie:
    • Makes a joke about how much the large intestine knows, saying it's always kept in the dark.
    • Says the large intestine is smaller but wider than the small intestine.
    • "The large intestine! No ifs, ands, or guts!"