The Magic School Bus + Rides Again Wiki
The Magic School Bus + Rides Again Wiki
The Magic School Bus + Rides Again Wiki
Confused Wanda
"How can Ms. Frizzle be with you when she's with us in Peru right now?"
This article is about the location in the games. You may be looking for the location in "For Lunch".

The (O)Esophagus is the second location in Explores the Human Body (1994).

Bus activities[]

Front of the Bus[]

Eso minigame

The Esophagus's mini-game

  • Due to the narrow scope of the oesophagus/esophagus, the view is restricted to only allow looking directly forward, towards the entrance of the stomach.
  • In the mini-game, the player can control the different components of the mouth and esophagus to ensure Arnold swallows his food safely. The player can also flip Arnold upside-down to do the game at a different angle.

Back of the Bus[]

  • The player can read various reports by other students, and also play on Tim's SPLAT! Backpack.
  • In Ralphie's handheld game, a mini-game called Esophagus Puzzle is accessible. A diagram of an abstract person's esophagus is jumbled up, and the player flips panels around until they match.

Clickable characters[]

  • Professor Frizzle:
    • Explains that they are "slip sliding" down the esophagus.
    • Asks the class where they're headed.
  • Phoebe:
    • Points out that mucus is what slides the food down the throat.
    • Says the idea of being inside Arnold is hard to swallow.
    • Asks what a "sugahpose" is, which is esophagus backwards.
  • Carlos:
    • Jokes about giving away his larynx.
    • Makes a joke about how Arnold's body is like a garden.
    • Talks about how the esophagus ripples as it pushes food down.
  • Wanda:
    • Asks the class if they knew you can swallow food while upside-down.
    • Notes that the class has gone to some weird places.
    • Asks if the bus can go faster.
  • Dorothy Ann:
    • Presents a report about the processes of the esophagus.
    • Jokes about the color of a hiccup being "burple."
    • Says coughing prevents food from going into the windpipe.
  • Keesha:
    • Says the esophagus is cool.
    • Notes that the esophagus can push food down even while you're standing on your head.
    • Makes a joke about an esophagus's least favorite food being artichoke.
  • Tim:
    • Displays his drawing of an esophagus dressed as an old lady.
    • Displays a drawing of an alien esophagus.
    • Displays a drawing of an ostrich's esophagus being inspected.
    • Displays a drawing of a drummer replacing drumsticks with esophagi.
    • Displays a drawing of a giraffe swallowing a telephone.
  • Ralphie:
    • Exclaims that the esophagus can break the laws of reality.
    • Says the esophagus reminds him of a tube of toothpaste.
    • Makes a joke about what a Brachiosaurus says when it gets sick.


  • Wanda mentioning swallowing food while upside down is a nod to her report in Joanna Cole's book, Inside the Human Body.