The first season of The Magic School Bus: Mighty Explorers is the eighth season in total, and the first season in the Mighty Explorers canon. It contains an unknown amount of episodes, and has yet to be released.
According to the pitch, there will possibly be these episode ideas. The idea will be displayed below, followed by a main series episode it shares its topic with in parentheses.
Unnamed episode about the Sun (cf. "Making Magic")
Season 8 is the first season in the Mighty Explorers spin-off continuity.
This is the first season proper of the 2020s, as sometimes, Season 7 is not counted as a season.
This season marks the debuts of the new Bus Albie, the Mighty Explorers counterparts of Ms. Frizzle and Liz, and the Explorers themselves: Benny, Lily, and Wyatt.
Being of a different continuity, and according to the episode ideas in the pitch, this is the first season to have topics from a previous series or season reused.