Mr. Ramón, voiced by Edward James Olmos, is the father of Carlos and Mikey. He appears in The Haunted House and Going Batty. Like Carlos, he tends to make jokes, which the other parents (much like their kids) don't appear to enjoy.
- His wife is never seen, but she's mentioned in The Good, The Bad, and the Gnocchi.
Parents | Mr. Perlstein | Mrs. Perlstein | Mr. Hudson | Mrs. Hudson | Mr. Ramon | Mrs. Franklin | Mr. Terese | Dr. Tennelli | Mrs. Li |
Siblings/Cousins | Murph* | Evan Hudson | |
Friends | Professor Cornelia C. Contralto II* | R.U. Humerus* | Dr. Skeledon* | Molly Cule* | |
Pets | Wanda's Dog* | Noodles |
Other Characters | Mr. Seedplot* | The Baker* | Mr. Junkett* | Harry Herp* | Gerri Poveri** | |