The Magic School Bus + Rides Again Wiki
The Magic School Bus + Rides Again Wiki
The Magic School Bus + Rides Again Wiki
Wanda and Bo

Bo[1] is Wanda's cousin from China. She visits Professor Frizzle's class and joins her cousin on a field trip in the book series finale, The Magic School Bus Explores Human Evolution.

She participates in the field trip back in time through the evolutionary stages of humankind to help Arnold complete his family tree project.



  • She is the third visitor to the Frizzle class in the 1986-2021 books; the second is Joon in And the Climate Challenge, and the first is Janet in Lost in the Solar System.
  • According to the family tree projects, Bo and Wanda are paternal cousins.
  • Arnold's cousin, Janet, was the first cousin of a student to be mentioned in the book series. Bo is the second, however she has yet to appear in an episode.
  • When she speaks Mandarin Chinese in the English version of the book, the words are Romanized into Pinyin, a system of converting the Mandarin readings of Chinese characters into Latin characters.