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It's time to take chances, check your mistakes, try not to be too messy, and expand this stub! |
(The episode opens outside Walkerville Elementary as Ms. Frizzle is shown repairing the Bus.)
Ms. Frizzle: Let's see, the pling-dabber's connected to the dim-plunker, the black-pladder's connected to the kitty-bitter. (Steps away to check her toolbox. Suddenly, the bus starts to malfunction by growing briefly before shrinking to the size of a pedal car.) Whoooo! This always happens. The shrinker-scope breaks the second the warranty runs out. (The bus malfunctions again and grows until it's about the size of the school building.) Oh, bus. (camera pans up the front of the bus) What am I going to do with you?
(Liz appears in a window as the whole class is preparing a birthday party for their teacher.)
Carlos: Okay, ready for rehearsal?
(Ralphie and Keesha are shown behind Ms. Frizzle's desk with balloons.)
Ralphie: The Friz is gonna love it.
Carlos: A one and a two!
(The class appear from various places in the room sporting various party gear)
Class: Surprise! (cheering)
Carlos: Yes!
(Arnold stops cheering when he suspects something wrong.)
Arnold: Something's missing, I know it.
Dorothy Ann: My chemistry experiment. It's almost done.
Carlos: Your homework? At a time like this?
(Dorothy Ann fills a bowl with powdered cement. As she says the following, she stirs the contents with a wooden spoon. After which she turns the bowl upside down, letting out a cake shaped concrete block.)
Dorothy Ann: I'm mixing three things together. Water, sand and cement to get something new; concrete.
Arnold: That's what's missing.
Carlos and Arnold: Cake!
Carlos: I can't believe it! We forgot the cake!
Ralphie: How can we throw a birthday party for the Friz without a cake?
Keesha: What a disaster.
(The class starts to put away all the party decorations.)
Wanda: Oh, well.
(As Liz brushes some confetti under the carpet, Ms. Frizzle enters, unable to fix the bus.)
Ms. Frizzle: Ah, good morning, class.
Class: (still with the lack of cake on their minds) Good morning, Ms. Frizzle.
Ms. Frizzle: Oh, I see you've heard the news. I'm disappointed too. (pulls out a giant red wrench) The bus is acting up, so today's field trip is canceled.
Dorothy Ann: Oh, no! Not the chemistry trip!
Arnold: That's okay, Ms. Frizzle. We'll get over it.
Ms. Frizzle: It was all arranged. We were going to the bakery.
Class: Bakery?
Ralphie: A bakery? What's that got to do with chemistry?
Dorothy Ann: Baking is chemistry, Ralphie. It's like my cement experiment; mixing parts together to make something new, only tastier.
Ms. Frizzle: A bakery is really just a small chemical plant.
Carlos: (to Dorothy Ann) Except it's a plant where they make cakes! (gets up to talk to Ms. Frizzle) Gee, Ms. Frizzle. You know, we've all been looking forward to this chemistry field trip for months!
Arnold: We have? (Carlos nudges him) Ow! Oh, yeah, we have.
Carlos: And, well, I don't think any of us would think our education was complete without a trip to a bak--(stops himself and instead says) ahh, chemical plant.
Ms. Frizzle: Why, Carlos. Does everyone feel this way?
Class: Mm-hmm. (they all nod)
Ms. Frizzle: Well, I'm not one to stand in the way of taking chances, making mistakes, getting messy. (She and Liz give each other a wink before saying...) Bus problems or no bus problems, to the bakery!
Carlos: Yes!
Arnold: No!
(As soon as the whole class is on the bus, it heads into town. As soon as it reaches the bakery, it malfunctions again and sputters before stopping)
Ms. Frizzle: Oh, now, bus. That wasn't so difficult, was it?
Bus: (sighs)
(Suddenly, it sputters and hiccups before spinning and shrinking. The whole class yells as this happens.)
Ms. Frizzle: Hmm, maybe it was.
(The shrunken bus falls onto the street.)
Baker: I'll be back! I shall return!
Dorothy Ann: Arnold! You..you...you..you..
Phoebe: Oh, Phoebe. At your old school, you were never such a butterfingers!
Phoebe: At my old school, we never got baked, except the time the AC went.
Ralphie: Is it just me or is the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz?