Arnold, Ralphie, Carlos, Tim, Phoebe, Keesha, Wanda, Dorothy Ann, Ms. Frizzle, Liz, Bus & Janet
[The Magic School : Butterfly and the Bog Beast opens.]
(The episode fades into Walkerville Elementary. Then opens into the school gym and Dorothy is walking towards the class in a broccoli costume.)
Ralphie: Broccoli? You gotta be kidding! Whoever heard of a Broccoli mascot?
(Dorothy Ann takes the head piece off of the broccoli costume)
Dorothy Ann: According to my research, broccoli is a very healthy vegetable.
Keesha: Besides, all the animal mascots have been done already.
Carlos: Get serious. Our soccer team can't be called The Walker Elementary School Broccoli's.
Wanda:(picks up the old mascot) Why can't we use the old mascot?
Tim: Because it's so old, no one knows what it is anymore. (Moths fly out of the mascot) Eugh, it's even got moths. (He tries to get them away by his book)
Phoebe: Tim, no! How could you? (One of the moths lay on Phoebe's book)
Tim: It's just a bug.
Phoebe: Look at it. It's more than a bug. For your information, it says in this book that this moth (Liz looks at the moth up close) is one of over a hundred thousand different kinds of moths and butterflies (Liz licks the moth and then Arnold takes her away) and scientist are still finding new ones and by the way there are about eight times as many moths as there are butterflies.
Ralphie: Excuse me, Phoebe. In exactly six hours we're playing the biggest soccer game of the year for which we need a new mascot and you've got your head buried in a.. butterfly book!
Phoebe: Actually, Ralphie, it's a butterfly and moth book. (The moth flies off of Phoebe's book and Liz tries to catch it but fails) There's not a lot of difference but there's definitely-
Ralphie: (Raises his arms in fustration) Phoebe!
Keesha: We need a mascot that's different.
Carlos: It's gotta be so exciting the other team won't know what hit 'em.
Phoebe: I got it! I got it!
All: What?
Phoebe: The Walker Elementary School Butterflies! (hugs her book)
All: Huh?
Ralphie: You wanna name our soccer team the butterflies?
Wanda: And have a mascot that's small?
Tim: Swattable?
Keesha: And pretty?
Phoebe: But butterflies are full of surprises.
Carlos: (Puts his hands on his hips) Like what?
Janet: Yeah, like what
(Everyone looks up to Janet who's at the top of the bleachers with her hands on her hips.)
All: Janet?
Janet: The one and only. Arnold's favourite cousin. I am your favourite cousin, right Arnold?
Arnold: Your my only cousin, Janet
Janet: (Rubs Arnold's head and he fixes it up when she's done.) You're so cute! (Points at Phoebe.) We know the real reason you wanna make a complete wimp like a butterfly the mascot.
Phoebe: (Looking worried) You do?
Ralphie: (Has his arms folded) We do?
Janet: (Paces back and forth) Isn't today's game against (Turns head to Phoebe but back is still facing Phoebe.) Your old school? (She hit the bleachers, causing a soccer ball to bounce and Liz, who was on it jumps off)
All: [gasps]
Tim: Janet's right, (Janet crosses her arms, closes her eyes and smiles) the bulldogs are Phoebe's old school.
Dorothy Ann: Who's side are you on, Phoebe?
Phoebe: I'm on our side, I just thought-
(Janet swiftly pushes Phoebe.)
Janet: Listen, you're looking for a new mascot, right?
Wanda, Keesha, Carlos and Dorothy Ann: Right!
Janet: You want a mascot that's totally different, right?
Wanda, Keesha, Carlos and Dorothy Ann: Right!
Janet: Then get this, how about the Walker Elementary School... um... um. Walker Elementary School... bog beasts!
All: Yay!
Wanda: It's new! (Carlos nods in agreement)
Carlos; It's different!
Keesha: It's so exciting they won't know what hit them! (Dorothy Ann nods in agreement.)
Arnold: (Pokes Janet) What's a bog beast?
(Ms. Frizzle falls with a rope holding her in a butterfly costume.)
Ms. Frizzle: Wahoo!
(Kids form a circle and look up at Ms. Frizzle. Liz opens her mouth in shock and then runs away. Ms. Frizzle lands between Phoebe and Janet.)
Ms. Frizzle: (Takes off the head piece of the butterfly costume.) Crafty question, Arnold. (The rope pulls her up.) Whoops.
Arnold: Ms. Frizzle!
Ms. Frizzle: Anyone know what a bog beast looks like? Hmm,,, how about you, Janet? ( Places hand on Janet's shoulder.)
Janet: Well, it's probably like a... a... a friend told me about one.