Can somebody with an actual brain tell me which episode it was with that fantasy sequence with Miss Frizzle as the bus? It's driving me crazy!
Say what?
No problem.
@Mousefanofglobo Why Do You Keep Capitalizing Every Single Word? You're not supposed to do that!
Excuse me, WHAAAAT?
@Mousefanofglobo Not my problem. I also grew up with this show, but I still think buses look better with the windshield as the eyes instead of the headlights. The canon design looks creepy. If anything, I improved it!
@LadyParanormal20 *She*
Can somebody with an actual brain tell me which episode it was with that fantasy sequence with Miss Frizzle as the bus? It's driving me crazy!
Also, why do you keep comparing the show to others?
You mean it the other way around? Because Magic School Bus came first!
ANSWERS! I need answers! Stop holding out on me!
What do you think?
I don't need upvotes, I need answers!
Which episode was it that had the fantasy sequence with Miss Frizzle as the bus?
Fiona's even worse! She literally dropped Arnold out of the bus!
@Kelpy III Nah, she did it more than twice! She was excited to be eaten by a spider, a cat, a T-rex and a tuna fish, all on separate occasions. There's something going on.
What is it with Ms. Frizzle and wanting to talk about animal's digestive system in situations where she and her class are eaten or are about to be eaten by animals?