Well here’s a few I can think of of on the top of my head because of their interests:
Jyoti: Steve Jobs (it’s obvious)
Dorothy Ann: Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, or just any other astronomer or mathematician from around that time (In OOTW and Sees Stars, DA shows a passion for astronomy. In Flying Tennellis, she was Excited to take the math test whereas the other kids [even fellow math whiz Jyoti] were Not.)
Wanda: Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Ferdinand Magellan, Marco Polo, etc (She’s been taking the show’s “Get out there and explore” slogan p seriously, and the historical European explorers found that there was more to the world than Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.)
Tim: Any artist from history (Drawing and observation is what he’s about.)