So guys, they did it. Goldstealer is finally in HD cause Knowledge Kids decided to add Season 3 to their MSBRA catalog. Meaning it could come to digital very soon.
It's available on the Knowledge Kids site when it rotates, because episodes rotate from time to time. You'll need a Canadian VPN to view it, though.
When it rotates, I'll download it in MP4 format and upload it to the Internet Archive.
Also, strangely enough, it's placed in production order here, like what they did for S1 and 2.
Also as of 12/24/2023, In the Zone is the only S3 ep in rotation; the rest are S1 and 2. I checked, and there's no extra scenes from Goldstealer in the Best Times song like I thought there would be. Just the two GS scenes that were on Netflix. But there is no Netflix logo or Joanna Cole dedication, meaning they're using the DVD print.
Also, S3 is in 59.94 FPS as opposed to 23.976 FPS like on Netflix. The smoothest this season has looked. Even though it looks like it was bob deinterlaced from 29.97 fields per second (you can see the jagged lines if you look close) from its TV airing, it's still nice to see Goldstealer in HD!